Prep Utility Person , Pizza Mambo , OCEAN CITY ,MD

  • Employer: Pizza Mambo
  • Wage / Hour: $13
  • Positions available: 2

Duties : Prep Utility Person ($13/hr)

Company: These Italian Pizza Carry Out is located in Ocean City, Maryland. Please do your research on Google and try to read everything about the company before the interview with your employer. Employers are very strict and willing to hire very hardworking, flexible to work, punctual people. You Must Speak Good English.
Community: Ocean City MD is a popular coastal tourist destination for families. Summer is very busy with visitors enjoying the beach and boardwalk.
Summer – Warm days and cool nights – Bring your bathing suits

Employment Conditions: Great English Requirement for Cashier Position Conversational English is required for kitchen positions Must honor Pizza Mambo schedule  as a primary employer and must respect schedule hours. Friendly personality, hard working ability, good communication skills and punctuality.

Estimated Start Date & End Dates of Employment 2023
June 1-10 to Sep 20
June 15-20 to Sep 30

Employer -Pizza Mambo

Company and Location:
Company –Pizza Mambo
Location   -710 Baltimore Avenue  Ocean City MD 21842
-7205 Coastal Highway Ocean City MD 21842

Employers needs: Gender: any / Country: Any
Housing and Transportation:
Housing in an apartment: Live in a 3-4 person shared bedroom, 6-8 person apartments with basic furniture, utilities, electricity, water.
In Beach Areas: $2500 to $2750 seasonal housing is available (weekly installments payment plan varies per landlord)

Advanced Housing Payment & Security Deposit:
prior to your arrival required:
We will announce advance payment options closer to your arrival period. We also accept and welcome students with their own housing. These students must notify us no later than February 1, 2023.
More info at:
We also accept and welcome students with their own housing arrangements Students must notify us no later than February 1, 2023
To work and back:
Self Arrange at $3 per day by bus or Bike or walk to your location.
On site transportation:
Airport Pick Up will be provided through E- Point:
Please make your reservation in advance. Pick up airports are JFK, EWR. You must arrive as a group on the same day.

Must Have With You Upon Arrivals: $1000 for first 2 weeks expenses.



Cluj Napoca Strada Victor Babes, nr. 37
Bucuresti Academiei 7, Sector 1
Agentia SEE USContact
Prin programele noastre poți să călătorești, să câștigi bani, să îți faci prieteni noi și să trăiești experiențe de neuitat.