Duties : Cashier ( $12.50/hr)
Hours: min 32-40 hours per week
Employment Conditions:Must speak Intermediate English, Presentable Looking, Good Communication Skills & Punctuality is Highly Required. Friendly personality, Hard working ability
1 week training at same rate
Estes Park, just 90 minutes from Denver, is located at the eastern entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. A majestic mountain destination known for outdoor adventure, watchable wildlife and scenic beauty, Estes Park is Colorado’s quintessential mountain town
Estimated Start Date & End Dates of Employment 2023
June15-20 to Sep 30
Employer –Rocky Mountain Gateway
Company and Location:
Company –Rocky Mountain Gateway
Employers needs: Gender: any / Country: Any
You will be able to walk/bicycle or bus to work. The bus is $2/per ride and is covered by the employer depending on the distance.
Housing in an apartment:
Overview of housing situation –House/apartment placed based on arrival.
Housing in an apartment: Live in a shared bedroom. The house it’s fully furnished. 4 tenants per room.
Cost: $85/week
Deposit: $250