Candy Maker, Maria’s Family Restaurant Chincoteague, VA

  • Employer: Maria's Family Restaurant
  • Wage / Hour: $11
  • Positions available:

Duties : Candy Maker ( $11/hr you can easily get a rise if you’re hard working )


Hours: 32 40 hours per week, you can get overtime hours
Company: Restaurant
Location: 6505 Maddox Blvd, Chincoteague, VA 23336

Employment Conditions:  Must speak good English, Presentable Looking, Good Communication Skills & Punctuality is Highly Required. Friendly personality, Hard working ability

Community: Come to Maria’s to try nicely cooked fried chicken, greek pizza and crab sandwiches. Good waffles and tasty cheesecakes will impress you at the first bite.
Weather: How hot does it get in Virginia during the summer? 65 to 95°F. Summer months are June – August, and average temperatures in the summer range from about 18-35°C (65 to 95°F), with July usually being the hottest month.

Estimated Start Date & End Dates of Employment 2023

May 20- 15 June


Employer –Maria’s Family Restaurant

Company and Location:
Company –Maria’s Family Restaurant
Employers needs: Gender: female / Country: Any

Housing in an apartment: Live in a 4 person shared bedroom. The house it’s brand new, fully furnished. It also has a washer and a dryer machine.

Advanced Housing Payment & Security Deposit: The house cost for the whole season will be 1500 dollars for the whole season with all the utilities included.

To work and back:  1.5 mile distance. You can use a bike to work.
To Chincoteague, VA : Bus from New York they will take a greyhound bus to Oak Hall Virginia, and after that the employer will pick you up.
Uniform cost for the waiter staff costs $30.
No uniform necessary for the Kitchen Staff.
50% employee discount for everything




Cluj Napoca Strada Victor Babes, nr. 37
Bucuresti Academiei 7, Sector 1
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