Busser, Mountain Prime Steakhouse, IDAHO SPRINGS, CO

  • Employer: Mountain Prime Steakhouse
  • Wage / Hour: $14
  • Positions available: 1

Duties : Busser ( $14/hr+tips)


Hours: min 32-40 hours per week

Employment Conditions:Must speak Intermediate English, Presentable Looking, Good Communication Skills & Punctuality is Highly Required. Friendly personality, Hard working ability
1 week training at same rate

 Idaho Springs is a popular stop for those traveling on I-70, to and from the mountains. Though the town is known for its hot springs, Idaho Springs has a lot more to offer adventure seekers

Estimated Start Date & End Dates of Employment 2023

June15-20 to Sep 30

Employer –Mountain Prime Steakhouse

Company and Location:
Company –Mountain Prime Steakhouse
Employers needs: Gender: any/ Country: Any

You will be able to walk/bicycle or bus to work. The bus is $2/per ride and is covered by the employer depending on the distance.
Housing in an apartment:

Overview of housing situation –House/apartment placed based on arrival.

Housing in an apartment: Live in a shared bedroom. The house it’s fully furnished. 4 tenants per room.

Cost: $600/month

Deposit: $350





Cluj Napoca Strada Victor Babes, nr. 37
Bucuresti Academiei 7, Sector 1
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