Duties : Culinary/Dishwasher ( $15/hr)
Hours: 40 hours per week
Company: Fast-casual joint, serving up quality fried chicken and fish in downtown Munising, MI
Employment Conditions:Must speak Intermediate English, Presentable Looking, Good Communication Skills & Punctuality is Highly Required. Friendly personality, Hard working ability
Munising is in the heart of the Hiawatha National Forest, it has a small-town charm but bustles with tourists during peak summer season. Munising also boasts over 15 waterfalls, 5 lighthouses and several beautiful recreation areas
Estimated Start Date & End Dates of Employment 2023
June15-20 to Sep 30
Employer –Alley Cats
Company and Location:
Company –Alley Cats
Employers needs: Gender: any/ Country: Any
Uniform – Company branded T-shirts provided. Non slip shoes provided. Jeans and khakis required.
Grooming – Must be presentable and clean.
Social Security Number – Approximately seven days after you check into the program you will apply for a social security card. You will be able to work before you receive your card.
Housing and Transportation:
You will be able to walk/bicycle or bus to work. The bus is $2/per ride and is covered by the employer depending on the distance.
Housing in an apartment:
Overview of housing situation –House/apartment placed based on arrival.
Housing Fees –$400/month. No housing deposit
Cost : $400/week